Wednesday 2 October 2024

Yellow-browed Warbler

Unfortunately not prolonged views of the Yellow-browed Warbler for me at Church Norton this morning but enough to be happy with in a short gap between produce packing...!

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Small Mottled Willow

 A Small Mottled Willow was in the moth trap along with a few smart Black Rustics. Bird-wise little going on other than a few Grey Wagtails & Meadow Pipits moving over Oving and I suppose c.20 Chiffchaffs around the farm-the east coast seems full of birds after benign winds in that quarter with the south & west is the poor relation at the moment-will keep on looking for a Yellow-browed Warbler but no luck so far!!

Saturday 21 September 2024

Cattle Egrets

 A look for a pair of Mandarin Ducks at South Mundham didn't turn them up but c.60 Cattle Egrets and c.40 young Mallards were in the area.

At Rectory Lane and thereabouts c.100 Red-legged Partridges were on the fields, about to meet the firing squad of doom no doubt, and, at Selsey Bill, a Spotted Flycatcher was with the Chiffchaffs at Grafton Road.

At Mill Lane Marsh a Greenshank was present early on a couple of Stonechats were at Halsey's Farm where a Hobby went over.

Cattle Egrets: Mallards (hopefully not bred to be shot!); Red-legged Partridges: Spotted Flycatcher & Chiffchaff:

Saturday 14 September 2024

Spotted Flycatcher vs Red Admiral

 Highlights at the Bill early morning on Friday were a Snipe, scarce here, flushed from the Oval Field on approach and a showy Sparrowhawk on the wall. Saturday found plenty of hirundines massing here and two Arctic Skuas went west but vizmig was slow. A good look round Golf Links Lane, Flycatcher Corner and Chainbridge didn't turn much up other than masses of Chiffchaffs, two Whinchats and half a dozen Stonechats, a late Swift and a Spotted Flycatcher eating a Red Admiral.

SparrowhawkSwallows, Sand Martins & House Martins; Spotted Flycatcher with deceased butterfly!

Sunday 8 September 2024

Quay side

 Another walk along Sidlesham Quay and onto Owl Point and Halsey's Farm at Pagham this morning and unfortunately it remains quiet here, just a Great White Egret, a few Cattle Egrets and singles of Tree Pipit & Yellow Wagtail to report.

There was no repeat of the Sabine's Gull at Selsey Bill with a few Black Terns and two Arctic Skuas being the best of it while I was there. 

Saturday 7 September 2024

Sabine's Gull & Red-backed Shrike

 An immature type Sabine's Gull was at Selsey Bill this morning, found by me for a change, sometimes just sometimes those early morning mooches do pay off!

At Church Norton it was good to catch up with good views of the stunning adult male Red-Backed Shrike.

Sabine's Gull, Red-backed Shrike & Field Mushroom:

O Mill Lane Marsh there were a couple of Greenshanks and another was by crab sluice along Sidlesham Quay. A party of six Blackcaps went along the hedges here and two Spotted Flycatchers were by the footpath sign. Plenty of Field Mushrooms out at Owl Point as well.


 A look at East Head on Friday produced six or maybe seven Eider offshore at low water, c.100 Swallows and a handful of Sand & House Martins over plus a few Tree Pipits (exceptional year for these) and Yellow Wagtails. Also around c,.150 Common Sandwich Terns offshore, c.320 Mediterranean Gulls, two Wheatears, a Willow Warbler, 20 Linnets and a few Whitethroats. On the creek were 25 Black tailed Godwits.

Common & Sandwich Terns, Eider & Wheatear: